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Old 10-18-2011, 05:18 PM   #9

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Asalam Alykum WrWb

I am sure everyone goes through highs and lows and ups and downs in their emaan. There are times when our emaan is high and we feel really close to Allah SWT, sometimes for months and years without thinking that its the tawfiq given to us so we can worship..

And sometimes in just few weeks we are in a state where we struggle to keep up with basic farayadh.

So how does one seize the moment when our emaan is high? What things can one do to please Allah SWT so he SWT continues blessing us with tawfiq to worship him..

Wa alykum Asalam WrWb
A Mureed of Hadrath Thanwi complained to him that when i'm at your service, the kaiyfiyyat is different. All my mamoulaats were accomplished with ease and vigour. Now i'm away from your majalis. Eventhough i'm able to complete all my mamoulaats, but with great difficulty. The same vigour and Kaifiyyat are not present.

Hadrath replied, "Congratulations, my dear previously you were fulfilling your mamoulaats due to vigour and now it is emaan which is in action"

(Not the exact malfooz. Heard it from one of the bayaans of Haji Shakeel Ahmad)

Being constant in your mamoulaat during qabdz (feeling low) is in indeed a sign of strengthening Imaan. Also, heard from Haji Shakeel Ahmad (D.B) that Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A) was constantly under qadbz for 18 years but he didn't let go on any of his mamoulaats. We all know what Status Allah swt has bestowed him
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