few major corrections in zubair's post Did any of Abul Hasan al-Ashari's students say which was the last work ? Pull out the books of al-Ashari published by Abdullah al-Habashi and you will know. I don't understand why brothers involve themselves into such polemics and they don't know the fundamentals. there is no NASS for your claim as well. so what you claim is also rejected even if it is supported by IBN JAWZI ( censured by dozen of hanabila including ibn qudama ) and ibn aqil ( coming from mutazilite background ) and ibn hazm ( since when did this scholar who refuted and declared asharites to be heretics suddenly become a source ?? ) c'mon why is it okay for you to reject and not okay for us to reject ? or why is it for you okay to reject what Baqillani and other senior ashari scholars said about TWO EYES ? do you think you know more about the ashari madhhab than the senior giants of Ashari Madhhab like Baqillani Juwayni and others ? It is the same ibn kullab who Dhahabi said he might have agreed with heretic Mutazilites on the issues which differ between heretic mutazilites and sunni muslims ? let us read the complete bio of ibn kullab by dhahabi. this is one of the most misleading statement. who are these "they" who say it is been tampered with ? are you referring to Habib Hasan Ali Saqqaf or his likes ? are these "they" which zubair is referring to mentioned here http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...l=1#post556624 by ibn darbas al-ashari ? let us read the bio of ibn kullab from Dhahabi: http://www.asharis.com/creed/article...-al-ashari.cfm keep avoiding the key questions, because truth shall prevail and falsehood will perish.