What are the good traditional (non-Salafi) Hanbali resources?
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02-18-2011, 09:30 AM
Kinds Of Pain Meds
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Oct 2005
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assalamu alaykum
I came across this:
Abu Muhammad Ibraheem al-Hanbali says:
January 1, 2011 at 3:27 pm (Edit)
In response to the backbiters and slanderers found on the thread here:
Yes, Ibn Taymiyah for 99% of his life was a Hanbali scholar, not only a Hanbali scholar but he had the greatness of doing ijtihaad. He was a great scholar of the madh-hab in certain aspects and has penned many beneficial works that the Hanaabilah do not deny. However, he is rejected in creed and some fiqh issues where he vied against the consensus of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. Such issues led him to be imprisoned by the Ash’aris of Egypt, which resulted in a number of debates in which Ibn Taymiyah was defeated until the point he denounced all of his mistakes and announced that he was now an Ash’ari in creed. He died upon this state and the very same scholars who imprisoned him led his janaazah and buried him as a Muslim believer.
Secondly, Imaam Raza Khan [who I do not take from in any 'Aqeedah issues, nor fiqh issues, nor am I in habit of reading his books] is noted to be a great reviver of the deen in the indo pak subcontinent and their beliefs are side by side with other great scholars of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. Imaam Raza Khan has nothing to do with the Hanbali madh-hab, but yet Wahhabi/Deobandi hypocrites expect me to reject this man as a mubtadi based purely on their bias and self conceited nafs.
The person on the Sunni forum who has claimed to have spoken with me on facebook hides his face and pretends to be a Sunni promoting texts on the ‘Aqeedah Imaam Ghazali on his facebook whilst sitting and agreeing with Wahhabi views on forums such as Islamic Awakening. Then he emails me pretending to be somebody else, but I know his style and all of his different faces. He is like a rabbit between two holes, you do not know which hole he is going to appear from next.
Kinds Of Pain Meds
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