You decide abulayl or myself or one of the moderators has blasphemed on SF and have him killed and then post a few hadith to back it up?
You need more than a hadith to support a killing--you need an Islamic government, an Amirul Mumineen and a FULL Shariah law.
And then people shun the ulema and turn away from Islam.
Mashallah, they only love Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam when it comes to killing and anger.
..but when it comes to feeding the poor and helping the oppressed?
Oh, suddenly they disappear into khalwa or a 40 day jamaat! You cannot claim love for Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam in only one situation, you cannot be selective in your love of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam- you must claim Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam in ALL SITUATIONS!!
In the case of Pakistan, you have to use your aql.
Here is what Tahir-ul-Qadri has to say.
.because he will give you a different Islamic perspective that will shed light on the reality
there are hadith about that too.
It's sad when the most courageous act in your country is a man killing another man for defending a woman.
If Muslim history proves anything its that assassinations and killings do not bring any good change nor any improvement...they just make things worse.
then killed the man who was his source of income,