Sultan Abdul-Hameed Khan Ghazi even to the last day REFUSED to handover Palestine and old-frail-Khalifah went to negotiate in full uniform and full battle-gear and famously said, “If you offer me all the gold of the world adding it to your 150 mln, I won’t agree to give you the land. I have served the Islam and the ummah of Mohammad, peace and blessings be upon him, for more than 30 years, and I won’t cloud the Islamic history, the history of my fathers and grand fathers Ottoman sultans and caliph.” (Marks. K; Engels, F; Comp, T. V. 10, p. 173)" Fills your heart with pride. May Allah (SWT) forgive his sins and raise his ranks in Jannah (Ameen)
Colonel_Hardstone's posts about 'Uthmâni Khilâfah and its history are indeed wonderful, Allâh râzi olsun!