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Old 05-15-2010, 06:43 AM   #23

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Unfortunately, I never found one; not even in Turkish, yet alone in English. There are books by Suraiya Faroqhi written in German, but also translated into English. However, I have no idea how good and reliable her books are.

By the way,
Since the Turks became Muslims and up until 1940th Ottoman Muslim women used to wear Niqab along with Hijab. Non-Muslim women back then wore only Hijab without Niqab. That's how they were distinguished. After the fall of Ottoman many things have been destroyed and stolen from the people.

Here is one piece of a history:

What about Discovering the Ottomans (by Ilber Ortayli)?

By the way, just a few hours ago I held an old-style ilmihâl* in Ottoman language in my hands which I found in my local Turkish masjid. On the first page it says something about "'Abd al-Hamîd Khân" and "Sultân ibn al-Sultân", but can't remember everything anymore... Some time ago a Kurdish murîd brother told me that his wife still understands Ottoman and if I remember correctly she also takes her Islamic knowledge from an ilmihâl in Ottoman language. Also, if you look at the last pages of a Turkish Qur'ân mushaf printed by Hayrât Neşriyat, you will find that the tajwîd rules there are explained in Ottoman language.

* For non-Turks: Books for lay people which cover the basics of Islamic knowledge are called ilmihâl in Turkish, hence Bahishti Ziwar could be called ilmihâl.

PS: Sorry, I am just realizing that I've gone a bit off-topic, apologies...
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