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Old 11-25-2010, 03:56 AM   #34

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then mention it as being your opinion. I could say that this is the view of some shafi's & didnt push it on any nonshafis. as if the rest of us dont stand by quran & sunnah.

answer this then.
"In the book "al Maqasid al Hasanah Fil Hadisil Atwirah Alas Sunnah". Imam Sakhawi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho states, ذكره الديلمي في الفردوس من حديث أبي بكر الصديق أنه لما سمع قول المؤذن ( أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله ) قال هذا وقبل باطن الانملتين السبابتين ومسح عينيه فقال ( من فعل مثل ما فعل خليلي فقد حلت عليه شفاعتي ) ولا يصح
"Dailmi reports that Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho once said 'When I heard the Muazzin say Ash'hadu anna Muharnrnadar-Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam, I said the same, kissed the inner-side of my Kalima finger and placed it on my eyes. When the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam noticed this, he said. My intercession becomes obligatory upon he who does the same as my beloved.' This Hadith hasn't reached the classification of Sahih." [al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut - Lebenon), Page 384]"

Answer: Salam 'alaykum wr wb.
The Barelwi gives the above quotation from Maqaasid al Hasana.
As you can see the Arabic, Sakhawi's opinion is Wa La Yasihh.
The Barelwi translates it as "This Hadith hasn't reached the classification of Sahih".
This is gross misrepresentation. See what a Shafi'i called Gibril Haddad has to write about the use of La Yasihh in Hadith gradings and discussions:
"Similarly, al-Qari understands la yathbut to mean la asla lahu when it means la yasihh. In a fiqhi discussion la yathbut and la yasihh mean that the hadith falls short of the rank of sahih but in a hadithic discussion of forgeries such terms mean the hadith is forged.
He follows al-Zarkashi, Ibn 'Arraq, and others in their misunderstanding of the term “inauthentic” (la yasihh) to allow that a hadith is not necessarily forged whereas in discussions of forgeries and strictly hadithic, non-fiqh literature that term is strictly synonymous with “forged,” “baseless,” and other such descriptions used by the Masters in the books specifically devoted to forgeries as demonstrated by Abu Ghudda in his introduction to the Masnoo' and elsewhere.
In the entry, “Whoever circumambulates this House seven times, prays two rakas behind the Station of Ibrahim, and drinks Zamzam water, all his sins shall be forgiven as many as they may be” al-Qari cites al-Sakhawi's ruling of la yasihh, i.e. forged, but al-Qari goes on, Al-Sakhawi’s statement that the hadith is inauthentic does not preclude its being weak or fair unless he meant to convey that it is unestablished (la yathbutu). It seems al-Minnawfi understood the latter since he says, in his Mukhtasar [of al-Sakhawi's Maqasidd], “It is a falsehood (batil) without basis (la asla lahu).”
In reality both al-Sakhawi and al-Minnawfi are asserting the same thing, namely, that the hadith is forged[; but al-Qari follows two of his idiosyncrasies: first, he misunderstands al-Sakhawi’s statement to mean other than “forged”; second, he uses the terms “unestablished” and “without basis” indifferently.

In the light of the above discussion which shows what the masters of hadith actually mean regarding the work La Yasihh in hadith discussions, read the following fatwa by our scholars:

Nabi (S.A.W.) says, “The actual miser is he in whose presence my name is taken, yet he does not recite Salaat upon me.”
This Saheeh Hadith and many others of its nature teach us to send salutations upon our beloved Nabi (S.A.W.) when his name is taken.
Kissing the thumbs on hearing the name of Nabi (S.A.W.) is an outright innovation. All narrations in this regard are fabricated. (Fataawaa Rahimiyyah, Vol. 2, Page 303-304, Vol. 1, Page 58)

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Ebrahim bin Zainul Abedeen Backus

Attested to as correct by: Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa, Jameah Mahmoodiyah, Springs.

Hope there is clarity to the issue now and Sayyiduna Abi Bakr is absolved of what he did not do.

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