No tricks in Islam. One cannot transfer ones sins to others. We are held responsible for whatever we do be it good or bad. But Allah is the Most Merciful, So if we repent sincerely He will forgive our sins. But we cannot know if Allah has forgiven us or not, hence we should repent and ask for Forgiveness as much as we can. Sometimes Allah might forgive someones sins due to his Good deeds due to Allah's infinite Mercy. The key element here is our 'intention'. Our intention is to be sincere to please Allah the Almighty alone. Allah is not in need of our good deeds, but we are the ones who need it. The only Sin that Allah will not forgive is 'Shirk' ie Associating others with Allah in worship. BUT if one repents sincerely Allah WILL forgive 'shirk' also. People who convert to Islam repenting of their 'Shirk', they have all their previous Sins forgiven. But they will be taken into account of their deeds they do after they become Muslim.