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Old 08-18-2009, 03:55 AM   #18

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Oct 2005
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Indeed a great big loss
Hazrat was regarded as a Allama by anyone who had heard of him. Alhamudulillah i was very priviliged to have had a very great close link with hadhrat! we did hajj together aswell
he was a lion and warrior agaisnt his enemies, a leader against his comrades, a loving brother amongs his people and a caring father and idol amongst his youth.
mashallah he was a living legend for the ahle sunnat and died defendin the deen e haq!

Inshallah he is above the earth in the Heavens with Huzoor (s.a.w.), Ashab e Rasool and Ghulamaan e Ashab..May allah also accept us in this path and give us the taufeeq to follow his footsteps
Ammen Summ Ameen

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