I dont know why Israel is singled out every time. I mean we have worse governments then Israel in the Islamic world. Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Sudan, Morocco, Egypt, Indonesia etc. I am not denying Israel is a criminal state, but why arent our criminals singled out. I think its a typical example of Wag the Dog technique, when something is going on you put the attention of people on something else, typical example would be clinton in his days of Monica lewinsky targeted camps in Afghanistan to get the attention off his scandal. I mean Turks have been bombing and obliterating Kurdish villages. Infact they were the biggest recipients of arms in the clinton Era. Infact chomsky mentions in his book called 911 about the draconian laws of that state where a journalist was put in jail for the sole reason that he used the Kurdish spelling of Nuwruz instead of the Turkish one Nevruz. Pakistani Army raped and killed bangalis, Syria and Egypt are open cases, indonesians killed countless peasants in east timor....we need to condemn crimes of states proportionate to the crimes they commit. Israel is a lesser enemy to us then these Pawns of the American imperial power. I would rather takeout these governments then take out Israel.