Well yah my course is a parallel course so i gotta go from 2 in the noon till 8:30 at night.its way better than doing a' levels and joining unza.the mahol at Springfields is really bad.i went there for 2 days wallah the non muslims were looking more decent than most muslims! Bro, ur veiw of 'dunya haroo' is soo like layman thinking.probably living here so leme just remind u of the desperate need of muslim female doctors.so many of our women have to be attended by female kafirah doctors.what is their halat of their purdah then?? A hadith(stte) verily every action is dependant on its intention. I think my intentions are noble enough for me to pursue my course.i intend to give da'wah at unza and to help the family i.e creation of Allah. By the way nice to meet a guju bhai!