Awwww feeling the love all over again! Missing these moments * wipes a tear away* XD @ nauk: +10 so right you are. @ mmb786: I asssure you I left my gun home at the time @ nameuser: cool things. Jazak'Allah khair for the response. @amr123: +10 I do my utmost in doing this regular insha'Allah. We are faaar from perfect and with Many defects. @Quraatulain: Lolz I do enjoy making you laugh and smile wallah! It brightens up my day loving your advice, I find my resentment from their comments overtake my sense of assessing the situation well, emotions get the better of me! I will therefore practice talking to myself at home, and then if such an occasion does arise again, I will be ready and armed to the teeth insha'Allah ta'ala!!! I hate people talking about people!! it's such a common endurance, this is why I avoid as much human contact as possible! but then I get lonely :'( Ahhh sooo bad this is! @ Aram: was you there? Lol exactly my point, *sooo embarrassing** @ ummmmiiiitalib! my dil o jaan LOOOOL I'm defiantly going to go find this lady, and ask her something that will put color on her cheeks! Pour in more idea's I like to have a brilliant Counteract scheme thing going on .. just in case first didn't work @ finally Taliban: I hope you mean it, because it took ages to make xD oh by are you a Moulana for real? Or do people from Pakistan call each other Moulana like I'd call someone Pal or mate in UK as a friend? Just wondering...