brother celebrating the milad is permissable all we are doing is sending durood and salam on the prophet s.a.w collectively the day he s.a.w was born nothing else we are not celebrating it the way the christians do for jesus those who do wierd acts are wrong and i dont know why people associate them with the barelvi sunni's, brother what happens in a normal mawlid is that we start of by recitation of the quran,we then send salawaat on the prophet s.a.w we then invite a scholar to give a lecture that will increase our love for the prophet s.a.w and remind us of what the prophet s.a.w did for us and what we are doing now, we then gives food at the end nothing else we dont give presents to each other like the christians or anything like that. brother you must remember that they are two types of biddah biddah e hasanah- this is innovations that are good for the ummah such as the fatha and kasra that some people have in thier quran is an innovation it wasn in the time of the prophet or shahba, similarly minarets in mosques biddah e sayyiah- is a new innovations that has no origing from the quran or sunnah jazakallah