Is it permissible to use a gym?
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10-03-2011, 09:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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This is not a scholarly reply but just my personal opinion.
I started thinking about this same thing after I was about to go back to the gym again after taking Ramadan off. I personally do not see why a brother could not use the gym... the same rules apply as anywhere else. As long as your lower your gaze, your intentions are pure, you go there and do your workout, and make sure the parts of your awrah which are supposed to be covered are covered properly... I don't see why we shouldn't go to the gym to exercise.
Now, if someone goes to the gym for the wrong reasons, such as to check out girls, then that is on them & Allah knows what's in our hearts.
If we can't go to the gym because men and women mix freely there, that means we pretty much cannot go anywhere in the Western world except for our home & the masajid, as men & women mix freely at 99% of the places.
Again, this is my personal opinion only, not scholarly advice... we will wait for a brother/sister of knowledge to address this issue.
Allah knows best.
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