My oppinion on the "ex muslim" movement
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09-29-2011, 04:19 AM
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Oct 2005
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I would sincerely suggest we stay away from such sites. In the guise of 'research' we will end up encountering a LOT of information which is specifically designed to sow doubts in our hearts. Alhumdullilah, I, like you, am firm in my faith and convictions. But that does not mean I need to test it.
I'll give you a crude example, it's better, and easier for us to practice lowering our gaze when we're in good company, e.g. in a masjid. it's much harder in a low place, like the high street at midnight. Why would I go to the high street, if it's better I mix with good company?
This does not mean there shouldn't be people tackling this issue. There probably should be. But I would prefer if our best and brightest tackled the problems afflicting Muslims before some become 'ex'. I'm sure you all know the phrase, a stich in time saves nine. Let's get to the problems 'on time'. E.g. let's explore the interface between culture and religion. Where do people mistake one for the other? And why does it cause people to resent Islam? How are the ways we can inculcate Islamic behaviour into our lives? How can we shed cultural practices contrary to Sharia?
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