People singing about Islam with instruments?
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09-28-2011, 08:41 PM
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Oct 2005
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Yes it's amazing how one can be expressing love for Sayyiduna Muhammad, sallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, while dressing up in a manner contrary to him, even going to the extent of using instruments. I remember coming across a "nasheed" once where the brothers were talking about sunnah, yet they were dancing and mocking those who don't follow it, subhanAllah. I used to listen to English nasheeds, at a point they were pure. Now I hardly do because some of them have gone off the limits in terms instrument use and sometimes they are just another form of pop music. 'Arabic nasheeds are good sometimes, but now slowly you start to hear excessive vocalisation- the best nasheeds, in my opinion,I must say are the urdu ones of munshideen like Hafiz Abu Bakr and the like- no instruments just pure expression of ones inner love inshaa Allah.
Anyways that's just my opinion, of course there are halal nasheeds in all languages but the above is my observation.
May Allah give us all hidayah. Ameen.
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