Can we make an agreement on how we deal with each other on sunniforum?
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09-21-2011, 10:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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Can we make an agreement on how we deal with each other on sunniforum?
Assalamu Alaykum
Ive noticed that there is some serious issues on how certain brothers behave on sunniforum (me included).
I was thinking, can we all make an agreement amongst ourselves on how we shall treat each other inshAllah?
If we can draft an agreement, including things like:
"will advise each other privately instead of publicly"
"will not post fatawa that we're unsure of" (I noticed a sister who just started practcing the deen must have got some serious confusion on this thread which was unproductive in my oppinion:!!/page2
"we will not all jump on someone when we disagree with them"
"we will maintain good akhlaaq and speak to each other in a kind manner"
"we will not have bad suspicions of one another"
etc etc
If we can draft up an agreement that we will all try and stick to and everyone posts saying AGREED! or adding in a clause if you feel a clause is needed it will benefit the forum inshAllah. Its not rules, justa n agreement between brothers (I didnt see any bad manners from teh sisters ever mashAllah may Allah bless them with good in this life and the hereafter)
I think big improvements need to be made though inshAllah. Its a poor representation of islam, and many of the brothers with bad akhlaaq are supposed to be sufi and devote their time to reformation of character so lets not have so much harshness, suspicions, accusations, attacking one another, sarcasm and ridicule of people, name calling and attacking people etc.
Come on guys, inshAllah we can do better than this
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