Hakim al-Ummah Thanawi (alayhi rahmah) on dress
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09-20-2011, 09:52 PM
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Hakim al-Ummah Thanawi (alayhi rahmah) on dress
the criteria of tashabuh bil kuffar is that a person wears a dress that is worn by the kuffar and on seeing it one's mind goes to the fact that it is is specific to their kufr, then it will be imitation-otherwise not.
Someone asked, what about a person who embraces islam in England, and wears a jacket and trousers-will that be Tashabuh. He said it will not be , because it is not deemed to be such (a specific thing) in those lands. That is the dress of that foreign land-and they all wear it without differentiation.
If it becomes commonplace in our country then its specificity to the kuffar will be lost here too, and it will no longer be forbidden.
Malfuzat Mawlana Tahanwi( Volume 19 page 290)
"Tashabuh bil kuffar ka mi'3yaar)
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