Thread: Wearing Cap..
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Old 09-19-2011, 11:53 PM   #2

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Is there is any compulsary to wear a cap ?
Is there is any ahadith which says us to wear cap compulsary ?
If it is compulsary then why some people do not wear cap in salah ?
answers me with only reference to quran and sunnah pls...

Brother, please find the following quotes from Shaikh Al Albaani. It is the practice fo all four Mathaaib that to cover teh ehad in Salah is a sunnah. Please also refer to the kitaab, The Topi - Crown of the Believers, by Mufti Hussain Kadodia (Ameer of SF). It has the relevant hadiths concerning this topic.

Shaikh Albaani (May Allaah's mercy be on him) (From Al-Qawl Al-mubin fi akhta' Al-musallin by Mashhur Hussain on page # 58 of the 2nd edition): "Praying bareheaded is makruh (disliked)."

It is not established at all that the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) ever prayed outside the pilgrimage with bare head, without a turban/cap. Whoever thinks he did so then he should bring the proof. If he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) had done so, it would have been recorded. The narration attributed to Ibn 'Abbaas that the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would sometimes remove his cap and place it as a sutrah in front of him is weak (da'eef).

Shaikh Albaani (May Allaah's mercy be on him) (Al-Din al-khalis (3:214) and al-Ajwiba al-nafi`a `an al-masa'il al-waqi`a (p. 110): "All acknowledge that it is desirable for the Muslim to enter prayer in the most perfect Islaamic appearance, due to the hadeeth: "Allaah is worthier of your self- adornment" [hasan]. And it is not part of excellent attire in the custom of the Salaf to habitually bare one's head, and walk in that guise on the road and when entering places of worship. Rather, it is a foreign custom which infiltrated many Islaamic countries at the time the disbelievers invaded them and brought their habits with them. The Muslims began to imitate them in this, and they lost thereby their Islaamic personality as well as through other similar acts... Nor is it established that the Prophet ever prayed bareheaded and without a turban other than in the state of ihram, although there were plenty of occasions to report it if he did. Therefore, whoever claims that he did, let him produce the proof, for truth is more deserving to be followed."

Shaikh Albani (May Allaah's mercy be on him) goes on to explain the mistake of some brothers in Egypt who brought the proof of the permissibility to pray without covering the head by analogizing with how the head is uncovered for someone in ihraam during the pilgrimage. This is wrong since not covering the head during the pilgrimage is from the law (Sharee'ah) of Allaah. If their analogy was right then they should make it compulsory to pray without any head covering at all since it is obligatory to do so during the pilgrimage and to follow all the other restrictions of Ihraam in regular life! [Tamaam-ul-Minnah fee ta'leeq 'alaa fiqh-us- Sunnah by 'Allaamah Albaani]

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