muslim women are different, a muslim woman does not feel deprived by staying at home, a muslim woman feels proud to stay at home and obey the commands of her lord, a muslim womans focus is not in acheiving success in worldly affairs - rather her focus is on attaining everlasting success(by pleasing ALLAH TA'AALA), a muslim woman is contented and happy staying at home, because... she knows that behind every command of ALLAH there is an ocean of wisdom and mercy for her, because... she knows and acknowledges her high status in islaam because... she understands that she was not created and burdened with the responsibility of feeding, clothing and proving for the family because... she knows that nabi salallahu-alaihiwasallam gave glad-tidngs to the woman who stays at home tending to her husband and kids by saying that she will be rewarded like as if she were waging jihad in the path of ALLAH!