Why are we acting like Flies, what can be done to solve it..???
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09-09-2011, 02:06 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
akhy 'amr,
Its true brother. We do not know the proper way to correct a person.
And on top of that,
we do not encourage people
where it is due. That is the important point I wish to underline to all our brothers and sisters viewing this thread because it shows to which extent we lack of brotherhood.
What does it take to email such author of such website just to say 'JazakAllahu khayran' or 'Thank you', even non-muslims do it, what is wrong with us that we think everything is due ? (That also highlightes the fact we're not ready to donate for religious causes (paying an imam for example) but we're ready for duniyawi things like a lawyer,...).
Surely if we start appreciate good things we will be less negative about finding our brother's faults...
And Allah (swt) knows best.
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