Assalamu alaikum v.v Our beloved Shaikhul Hadis hazrat moulana Muhammed Hanif sb Luharvi(d.b) will in U.K, Canada and Westindies, i.a we will try to get all these bayanat,if any visitors come from these places plz contact us and help us here is complete schedule ( it is possible of any changing in programme in last moment) DATE === MASJID === PLACE === COUNTRY 27-07-2011 === not corfirm === London === U.K 28-07-2011 === not corfirm === Lester === U.K 29-07-2011 === Biknal masjid, Blackburn === U.K 30-07-2011 === not confirm === Manchester === U.K 31-07-2011 === not confirm === Dewsbury === U.K 01 to 05 Ramzan === Masjid e Quba === Bradford === U.K 06 to 10 Ramzan === Jama masjid,Glouster === U.K 11 to 20 Ramzan === Darus salaam,Toronto === Canada 21 to 30 Ramzan === Masjid e Abu bakar, scarborough === Canada 04 to 10 shawwal === Barbados,West indies