Salalmu Alaykum sisters/brothers I am still earning about Islam so much and as much as im seeing that it is extremely peaceful and how devoted we are to Allah SWT and we all try to avoid Haram things and definitely avoid Shirk, may i know why drawing people is haram in islam? I mean ive read some hadiths saying that if i draw images, i will be asked at Yawm l Qyama to breathe life into because im challenging Allah. First off, i never, even, not ONCE ever tried to compete with Allah swt, he the greatest and is capable of doing anything, a mere human is no match for him. I've spent my entire teenhood drawing and trying to improve my artistic gift. I thought this was a miracle from Allah swt to have such great artistic talent and i thought Allah swt wanted me to taking advantage of a talent many people arent born with. When i draw, i only draw to improve my abilities, and just for fun. i never ever wanted it to blasphemous. Drawing still doesnt come between me fasting or performing the 5 salahs, for they come first. So what can i do? I do not want to make Allah upset with me, and i have asked for his forgivness many many times but drawing has become a hobby to me and idont know what to do Jazakum Allah khairan