Shia Objection on name MUAVIA
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09-10-2011, 03:26 AM
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Oct 2005
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I found it a better explanation than the explanation given Sh. Al-Munajjid on islam-qa.
I believe Taj al-Urus is written by Imam Zabidi? Who is the author of tanqih al-maqal?
A short summary:
The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) would immediately change a name if he did not like it. So one of the biggest proof is the fact that he mentioned this name without any dislike. There is another Sahabi with this name (the son of the real uncle of the Prophet called Haarith) who would defend the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) in order to let him pray without being harmed. When he died Abu Talib mentioned him in his vers of poetry with the name Mu'awiya. This is mentioned in Al-Isaba of Ibn Hajar.
There are 17 Sahaba with the name Mu'awiya according to the author of Taj al-'Urus. Ibn Hajar says there are 27 Sahaba with this name. His son-in-law had a similar name as mentioned in mizan al-i'tidal. The student of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) had such a name as well as the student of Ja'far Sadiq.
If the name is mentioned for an animal, the meaning of the name changes, just like when you use the word Abbas and Ja'far the name of the meaning changes when used for an animal. (perhaps any source for this?)
Cursed are the Shia for their lies.
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