I challenge any Mureed of Shaykh (Maulana) Saleem Dhorat Saheb (HA) to make his personal views public on the issue of following Saudia for UK. The reason he is following Saudia is because in Leicester almost all (bar one) Deobandi Masjid is following Saudia and I have personally spoken to Mufti "ABC" of IDA and they believe that in Leicester they have a "local Ijmaa" on the issue and they have no problems clicking over and switching over when the Ulamah discuss the matter. They CLEARLY AND CATEGORICALY know the error and they have NEVER FORCED any Mureeds to follow Saudia. The Mureeds of Shaykh (Maulana) Saleem Dhorat Saheb (HA) are wrong if they are getting any other impression. Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadhul-Haq's also has reservations about Saudia so the Mureeds of all of these Shuyukh need to STOP spreading dis-information! P.S: I personally disagree with IDA's "local Ijmaa" idea but thats a different matter.