Salam brothers and sisters. I have something that I want elaborated because there could be a misunderstanding about what we Muslims consider halal and haraam in the subject of drugs. Such is the case with caffeine and codeine. Sure, certain drugs are outright haraam (ecstasy, morphine, cocaine, meth) because no good can come from it and some of them cause one to lose control of their actions and do haraam deeds. This is why these drugs are considered haraam. However, there are some drugs that I think we need to discuss. I'll only choose one to start with....DMT (dimethyltriptamine). Before we delve into the legitimacy of this drug, let us realize a couple of facts. DMT is the most powerful hallucinogenic (a type of psychoactive) drug known to man. It causes no physical or mental harm whatsoever and it is non-addictive. The reason for this is the simple fact that our brains produce it EVERY NIGHT when one goes to sleep. In fact, the dreams you have every night (whether you remember them or not) is a result of the DMT-trip dying out. So, every night, you trip out on DMT. It is also found in plants and animals. Benefits are more on the intellectual side. After their trip, people end up having a much deeper understanding of life and sometimes aspects of science and mathematics. With this in mind, is DMT harram and if yes/no, why? I'm open to opinions and thoughts on this matter.