Question about DMT
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09-09-2011, 01:32 AM
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Oct 2005
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Mufti Zubair Butt
Mufti Muhammed Zubair Butt is British born and committed the Holy Qur'an to memory at the age of 16 before going onto receiving Ijazahs in the ten variant recitals of the Holy Qur’an at the Institute of Islamic Education, Dewsbury, UK. He has studied traditional Islamic sciences, including Arabic language and literature, Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, Hadith, Usul al-Hadith, Tafseer, Usul al-Tafseer, and completed the Shahaadah al-‘Aalamiyyah at Darul Uloom Karachi, Pakistan in 1995. In 1997 he graduated from his post graduate specialization in the issuance of fatwa – legal edicts under the instruction of the world renowned Shaykh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani.
Mufti Zubair holds the position of Senior Advisor on Islamic law at the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence, Bradford. He is also active in various fields including health and education where he serves as Chair, Shariah Advisor, or member of several committees. He lectures on the Ethics of Transplants and Autopsy at the University of Leeds and is a regular contributor at seminars on Islamic medical ethics.
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
Shaykh Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari is a traditionally-trained Islamic scholar who studied the Arabic language and various other traditional Islamic sciences including Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir), Hadith and Fiqh in different parts of the world including the UK, Pakistan and Syria. His Shuyukh/teachers include his father, Shaykh Mawlana Adam, Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf Motala, Shaykh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq al-Halabi, Shaykh Dr. Abd al-Latif Farfur al-Hasani and others. He has received authorizations (ijazahs) in various Islamic disciplines including the six major collections of Hadith and in the science of issuing religious verdicts (Fatawa).
His authored books include: Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations, Birth Control & Abortion in Islam, The Issue of Shares and Simplified Rules of Zakat. He is widely known for his detailed and well-researched fiqh related articles which can be found at his website
The Shaykh has taught many courses and lectured extensively on a range of topics, and continues to travel regularly teaching and lecturing both in the UK and abroad. Presently, he resides in Leicester, UK, where he is a teacher of various traditional Islamic sciences at Jamiah Uloom al-Qur’an, and Director and researcher at the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence (Darul Iftaa,
Imam Yunus Dudhwala
is one of the leading Muslim healthcare chaplains in the UK. He is the Head of Chaplaincy and Bereavement Services at Newham University Hospital NHS Trust, located in an area with one of the highest Muslim populations in the country. He started providing spiritual care to patients on a voluntary basis in 1998, prior to his appointment as the first person from a minority faith to head a chaplaincy service in the NHS. He is a regular trainer on national chaplaincy courses and was elected to the Council of the College of Healthcare Chaplains in 2003. He has served as a mosque Imam in Seven Kings, Essex and East Ham, London and also worked as a full-time Imam at the high security Belmarsh prison. Yunus is originally from Blackburn and a graduate of Darul-Uloom, Bury and Al-Azhar University, Cairo and a frequent speaker at Islamic events and youth meetings. Imam Yunus was recently announced the Healthcare Hero/NHS Employee of the Year 2010 at the HEAL Awards (Healthcare, Excellence, and Leadership), hosted by 24/7 Media Group
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