Why can't I get married???
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09-07-2011, 06:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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Why can't I get married???
Salam dear brothers & sister
I have a huge problem & I really hope that some of you can advise me!
Ok it may sound a bit weird but quite frankly I'm desperate to get married! Before you misinterpret my statement, please let me elaborate.
First of all alhamdulilah Allah has blessed me with a lot. I have an amazing family, great friends, great health, good education & work. And lastly, based on other people's opinion, Allah also blessed me with good looks & good personality as well alhamdulilah.
My only downfall is when it comes to men. I never done anything haram but I met quite a few potential husbands. However every time I get comfortable with the idea that I found the right partner, things go outta hand and we end up breaking up. I'm now 26 and way over the age I wanted to be married :-(
I don't know what's wrong with me or what I'm doing wrong. Some people say I'm jinxed but I refuse to believe that. All I want is get married, settle down and have a lively small family & live according to the sunnah of prophet SAW. I'm not even a demanding person cos I don't even mind to share my man, as long as he can stand his ground & live up to his responsibly.
All my friends are married and I'm scared that I am the only one that ends up as spinster!!!! Do you guys think that reading Qur'an on me would help?I'm considering to go to an Imaan but don't know how to go about it! Please, any advise is highly appreciated!
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