Alhuda topic carrying on...
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10-26-2005, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
whoa....about the whole shereton deal....she does not, i repeat she does not only speak to the opressed women....she does after all travel the world...and people educated people as well go to great lengths to hear what she has to say. And tell me brother what in the world does chai have anything to do w/ it .......? A person is there to gain knowledge not to drink black tea!!!!! its sheraton that gives the tea at that price....but what does that have to do w/ her teaching i am completely at a loss of words (partially the reason for me rambling on and on) about what kali chai has anything to w/ it. I mean if people want to listen to her then they invite her and as an aalimah it is her duty to share her knowledge! I mean she is sponsered by people they invite her around the globe....its not that she needs a pulpit from where she can rant.
and...uh....according to a sahih bukhari hadith when asked what part of the women can be seen; Ayesha (peace be upon her) pointed to her hands and face.........
so.....your point is???????????????????
and on the side note i have no idea what your talking about because she does cover her face as well. That's your problem that you don't know about that Sheraton stuff. Are you serious in saying that Oppressed women of the society go to shereton to listen to her?
As far as the hadeeth of Syyeda Ayisha (Radhi Allahu Ta'ala Anha), that is Satr, as it clearly mentions , but to the zahiris, this is not understandible. so your point is.......?
And now that she covers her face, better ask her why she did not before??
And She's an aalimah? Since when? Which Sheikh does she have ijazah in hadeeth, fiqh, etc?excuse me, but I don't consider Orientalist-Taught Mullanis to be aalimah, rather a fitnah for the society.
It is indeed you, who needs to come out of the nutshell again. Blindly defending a lady without knowledge of her background is easily understandible. It's called prejudice. You're pathless because you're a wanderer, and would follow wherever your heart wills. A follower of need is indeed a pathless.
what aalim ru talking about? u cannot just make wild claims like that....w/o authentication or proof of any kind... See the link, it has evidence. An honest "mullani" does not need to do that sort of fraud.
^ This was supposed to beposted hours ago, but thanx to the server, I couldn't
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