Assalamu Alaikum Brother,*I will not dwell much on this. However, let me focus on the main argument of this article. If we defeat it then the whole article to me is null and void ?*1.***** It argues that Saudi has came up with this new calendar. Do you know that this calendar has been in use for 32 years ?!!!2.***** The main purpose of the calendar is to fix the date for government contracts and appointments.*I think this is good enough ?*The difference this year is by moving the responsibility of announcing and approving the sighting from the Judicial Council to the Main Court. The main court decided to use the scientist argument in case they argue that the moon cannot be sighted. In such case, the court will ask for more than one person to validate the sighting. The usual practice is that ONE person is good enough to approve it.*It also important to understand that Masjids in UK or any other places should not follow Saudi. They should endeavor to spot the moon at their countries where they live. The moon birth varies from country to another.*The issues becomes global with regards to Hajj. Well, unfortunately, Saudi’s are in control of the holy land and should decide to their best of knowledge.*Please note that I read the first part of the article.**Best Regards,*Khalid M. AlShamlanRiyadh, Saudi Arabia