Dont patronise me brother with your talk of western media, my aunt has been living in Tripoli for almost 30 years, married to a libyan with 4 children. That's personal experience.
If Ghadaffi is as good as people say,
Yes the west have exploited this region to their own ends but a tyrant is a tyrant. The man obviously has a psychiatric condition
His son for another 42 years, how does that sound? Was Bush in power for 42 years, imagine that.
A country with that sort of wealth should be an example to the world with only a population of 6 million.
Your point about Libya being top of african nations isnt really anything to boast about!
Why is then that people from these poor nations are doing their best to get to the EU for a better life. Why do hundreds of people die every year crossing the Meditteranean fleeing countries from Africa. Get real!