The Looting of Libya : NATO's Mainstream Media: "Killing The Truth"
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08-25-2011, 08:57 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
The biggest culprits have always been the western kuffar.
They have destroyed whole nations in their thirst and greed for power and money. They have more or less wiped out the native american indians, destroyed the aboriginal australian lifestyle, invaded and occupied middle eastern countries for the all important black gold, manipulated food production in order to control the economy and people, caused more deaths then any terrorist group. yet each time they walk away spotless with a smile on their face because most people are so gullible and manipulated that they believe everything they 'mis' learn in the media. its amazing how stupid people are.
most have forgotten that the WMD in iraq claim was a lie to invade and occupy iraq. as soon as they controlled iraq, the big corporations came in with their rebuilding strategy which was just a veiled way to cart off the riches of iraq.
most have forgotten that they invaded and occupied afghanistan on the pretence to hunt down the mastermind behind 9/11, usama bin laden......eventhough they had no proof of his involvement. and as soon as they occupied afghanistan they built the pipeline to steal the oil from the north and safely bring it back to american soil.
the kuffar are the real terrorists.......not a bunch of goat herders living amongst rocks and caves brandishing decades old rusty ak-47's. its so absurd its almost funny lol. but Allah is the best of all planners. inshallah Allah will take these kuffar down by using goat herders the same way that the soviets were destroyed by goat herders.
lesson is: dont mess with goat herders. they have Allah in their sides inshallah.
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