Question on the status of non muslims
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09-04-2011, 06:21 AM
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Oct 2005
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Question on the status of non muslims
These questions have been bothering me a lot recently. So if you have the answers, or know respectable sites with the answers, please let me know.
1) In modern day. If a non Muslim dies and he has heard of Islam, do they go to Hell?
b) What is the definition of hearing about Islam? What if he only heard about 'terrorist' Muslims on the news? And he never met a single one? i.e he had a completely erroneous idea of what Islam actually is.
2) In modern day. If a non Muslim dies and he has NOT heard of Islam, do they go to Hell?
3) Finally how does this all correlate with the 'fact' that according to a hadith (sorry i cannot give correct sources so please do correct me on this), at least 1 prostitute will go to Heaven (for giving water to a dog) and 1 mass murderer who had killed 99-100 people because he sincerely desired to repent.
Please don't mock the questions, I'm here to learn =)
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