Inherent Belief - helping an agnostic
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09-06-2011, 04:54 AM
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Oct 2005
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Questions like - why does allah care if he already knows the plan for humans?
I know that my son is going down a spiral of drug habit...should I stop caring? No! So what of the one who is merciful of all mercy
Will Allah then punish all those people that are not muslim - like the orphan whose parents died?
If you mean an orphan child who's parents died when he/she was young and then he/she also died. The situation would be relative, but that child will be raised in front of Allah and completely conscious [the physical appearance of a child, young person or elder will be irrelevant] and aware of the surrounds and the reality of what is going on. So you can not base the judgement on the individual as a child who suffered a tradegy in their lives. Why should the opposite not be true of a Muslim women suffered rape but kept her faith in Allah in tact. She suffered but the key point is believed in the oneness and the reality of Allah. That said if you believe then you have to accept the consequences. The questioning has no validity if you do not believe i.e. what does it matter at all?
Why is there so much hurt and anger in the world?
Because you choice to inflict that hurt and anger, not sure what relevance that has to Allah?
Why is it that Islam and muslims think they are the superior religion? Why does Islam come across so arrogant?
Where does Islam come across arrogant, can we see some literature correctly interpreted by competent and preferably classical scholars that displays Islam as arrogant?
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