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Old 09-05-2011, 01:22 AM   #16

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Asalam Alykum WrWb brother Momin,

Below are the notes of 1 lecture. I wish if a scholar or other shuyukh on SF could go over to check for mistakes and errors.

I have also uploaded a pdf format of the notes.

Who ever benefits, please make special dua for me.

Itikaaf Lectures – 26th Morning –

Lecture by: Hadhrat Zulfiqar Ahmed db Saheb
English Translation By: Shaykh Kamaluddin db Saheb

• Today is the day of Jumma hence we will begin by mentioning the good deeds to be done on this blessed day.
• Jumma starts on night following Maghrib on Thursday.
• Sayidina Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM said: That person who recites Surah Yaseen in the night preceding Jumma will get the forgiveness from Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA, all of their sins will be forgiven.
• In another Hadith related by Abu Huraira RA: Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM said that a person who read Surah Ha mim (Surah Duhan) that person will be forgiven for all their sins.

• So what we learn from this is that on the night of Jumma we should start doing special Aa'mal, special acts of worship so we could get the true blessings of Jumma, Friday.
• This sole act washes your sins, in a way that it uproots them
• Sayidina Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM said: The person, who does Ghusl on the day of Jumma, it washes away all his sins, flaws, short comings and wrong doings. And it sucks them off from his body, from every hair of his body.
• Focus on the words Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM used to describe, "Sins are shed from every hair of the body".

• On another relation, Abu Hurairah RA said: Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM mentioned that the person who does ghusl on the day of Jumma and then applies fragnance and perfume, then he dresses in the best of the clothing for that day, clean and good clothing, then he exits and all the way until he arrives to the masjid, then prays whatever Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA gives him taufeeq of, nafl or sunnah, then fard of Jumma and if the person does not harm any one. As you see some people come late and they hop over shoulders of others, this harms people. Another point to note is that Shariah tells us that you shouldn’t even harm anyone else by even crossing the shoulders, if you give such a small discomfort to someone, imagine if you hurt someones heart, become a cause of worry and anxiety to other, imagine how much Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA must dislike that. We should always try our best to not make anyone saddened. We can observe that in marital life, husbands make the life of his wife miserable and viceversa and they are supposed to have a very close relationship. They should be one and making their life pleasurable instead they deliberately try to hurt one another. If this person who hurts the heart of others, whatever worship he does, Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA snaps it back on their face. His worship is not accepted.

• Back to the previous Hadith, of the person coming to the masjid and praying without hurting anyone and remains silent after praying his sunnah, nafl ibada. Silent means you listen to the hutbah (sermon) and then gets up to pray behind the imam then all these steps that he did will be an expiation for all the sins that he did from previous jumma to this jumma.
• Now we should think that Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALAs mercy is so immense that he SUBHANA WA TA'ALA forgives "all" the sins from previous jumma to the next.
• The women of the household should help their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers in this act. They should lay out their clothes, iron them and help them in their preparation, they would get all the reward for encouraging their men to reach jumma on timely manner. She will get reward for all their menfolk in the family that arrived at the masjid.
• In a 2nd Hadith, the person who recites Surah Kahf on the day of Jumma, then from the soles of their feet all the way up to the skies in the heavens, there will be a column of noor that will be granted to him and will give light on the day of judgement. And what ever he did from previous Jumma to this Jumma all his sins will be forgiven.

• What this means is that when a person reaches the masjid early and prays sunnahs and nafl and if time is left he should read Surah Kahf. Also, reciting this Surah preserves a person from fitna of dajjal and when the imam begins his khutbah, a person should listen attentively.
• Sayidina Umar RA said that a person who made wudu and offered sunnah, nafl and became silent, listened to sermon and then prays jumma with that good wudu, then all their sins will be forgiven from previous jumma to the current one. And if he does a lot of adab of this, then not 7, he will be granted forgiveness for the 10 days.
• Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA is so merciful that he SUBHANA WA TA'ALA has made so many ways of granting his mercy and forgiveness
• When one finishes Jumma salah, he shouldn’t run away from the masjid but rather he should sit in the masjid and do dhikr of Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA
• It comes in the Hadith that a person after the jumma salah and they say the following "SubhanAllah aladeem wa bihamdihi" for 100 times, then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive for them 100,000 sins and Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive 24,000 sins each of their parents will be forgiven.

• Reflect that if a person does this, why is Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA gives so much reward? Normally people hasten back to their homes, they rush to parking lots with their cars. The Shariah then selects this as a greater reward if a person remains in the masjid and makes dhikr then they would be able to save people from this discomfort of crowding. Look at Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA incredible mercy on his slaves that if a person continues to do dhikr of Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA, he continues to get even more blessings and his sins are forgiven.
• It comes in Hadith, Sayidinatan Ayesha RA said that Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM mentioned that a person after Jumma salah read the following 3 surahs:
o Surah Ikhlas
o Surah Falaq
o Surah Nas
• Then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will save him from sins to the next jumma. Reflect that his is way forward. Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA is saving one from doing sins.
• So following the steps one can get his sins forgiven from Jumma to Jumma AND protect himself from doing sins till the coming Jumma.
• Imam Kushari Rahimullah Ta'ala added commentary on this hadtih and said: that after reading these 3 surahs, his sins will be forgiven, all future sins will be forgiven and will get a reward equal to the number of believers of all times on the day of judgement.
• Just like men reading this surahs in the masjid, women can pray Dhur and recite these 3 surahs afterwards and she will get the same reward. She should make best of wudu, put on clean clothes, perfume, she should read Surah Kahf and she should read those 3 surahs, each 7 times, then she will get the same reward mentioned for men.

• Also after Jumma, when they have time, they should visit the graves, they should make dua for the believers who have passed before them and send Esal-e-Sallahu Alahi wasalamaab.
• The benefit of this is:
o They would be a source of benefit to the people in the graves, their punishment will be lessened and they will get a greater status in jannah
o And 2nd person visit graves remembers death which we often forget. When a person forgets death he starts thinking more about the temporary world. They should rather think that my real plot is a small 6 foot piece of land in a very crowded colony called cemetery, where I wont have light, electricity.
• It comes in Hadith, that a person with the most benefit will be the person of dhikr of Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA. Hence the more dhikr that we do, the more benefit we will have in the grave.
• So on the day of Jumma, its preferred to visit the graves and remember their destination, the person who goes to their parents graves or to any of the father or mother after Jumma prayer, then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive that person and include his names in the ranks of his obedient slaves. When a person does that he will raised as a person who was obedient to his parents and is obedient and loyal to their rab.

• When Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA has given such a generous mercy so we should do all of these different Aa'mal and collect the barakah and blessings in these acts.
• To the students of knowledge, there are special Amal for them, it comes in a Hadith that Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM mentioned that a person who wore shoes, socks, clothes just like children wear uniform to go to school, the students of knowledge, boys and girls who have uniform for the madrissa, wear those uniforms and go to the madrissas for the purpose of learning sacred knowledge, Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA forgives "All" their sins so much so until that person returns back to their home, they will keep getting forgiven for their sins.
• Such as today, the women have left their homes and have come to attend to listen to the speech, the second you all left your homes, through out all the time until you return, Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will keep forgiving all your sins.
• It comes in a Hadith that a person who seeks sacred knowledge that mere act of seeking ilm will be a cause of expiation for all the past sins.
• In another Hadith (from the book – Kanzal Aa'mal)narrated by Jaber bin Abdullah, a rather strange Hadith, on the day of judgment, Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will say "O group of Scholars, indeed I did not send ilm into your breast for any reason but that you recognize me, so stand up and rise on this day and know that I recognize you and have forgiven you for all your past sins
• This will show the greatness of true Ulema on the day of judgement.
• Similarily, the parents who send their children for sacred knowledge as learning Quran, tajweed etc Sayidina Anas RA narrates that a person who teaches his childten to site read the Quran then all their previous sins will be forgiven and all their sins in the future will be forgiven.

• If you look at this, training your child to read Quran is so beloved to Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA that not only the past sins are forgiven but also the future sins are forgiven too.
• Reflect that there are so much reward for teaching your childten Quran, now imagine how much reward would it be for making the memorize some special surahs, for e.g surah Yaseen. Its known as the heart of Quran, hence if a person recites this Surah at night by site or memory and more beneficial if they can recite this in tahajud then it comes in Hadith that the persons sins are forgiven.
• Another Hadith it comes narrated by Abu Hurairah Ra said that Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM mentioned that indeed there is a surah in Quran which has 30 ayats, this surah will keep interceding on the day of judgement until that person is forgiven by Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA and that surah is Surah Mulk.
• If a women memorize 1 ayat a day, then she can memorize all 30 in just one month, she then becomes hafidha of surah mulk and once she has memorized it, it will become easier on her tongue.
• In another Hadith, Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM would not sleep at night until he SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM had recited Surah mulk, in another Hadith Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM mentions that I wish each and every member of my ummah captures this surah in their hearts. This itself proves that Nabi Kareem SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM wanted us to memorize and recite it.

• It comes in Hadith, that If after Fajr, a person recites Surah Ikhlas 100 times before speaking to anyone then he will be forgiven for 1 entire year worth of sins.
• It comes in another Hadith narrated by Hadrat Anas RA, that if a person recites the last verses of Surah Hasr then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive all their sins in the past and coming sins
• In another Hadith also narrated by Hadhrat Anas RA that a person who recites Surah Ikhlas 200 times, all his sins will be erased for 50 years worth !!
• This amal is worth 50 years of forgiveness of sins.
• But when one reads these Hadith of forgiveness, we feel forgiveness is easy to obtain but we will only realize this on the day of judgement when one person will have one good deed short of going to jannah and at that point the angels will tell that person if only you had one more good deed and 1 less sin then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA would have sent you into Jannah but because you are short of 1 good deed, youl have to enter hellfire first ! That person will be extremely worried that he is just 1 good deed short.
• We see this in todays world too, a student fails with just 1 point, an election can be lost by just 1 vote, distinction student fails to achieves distinction by just 1 number, a person fails to top their class by 1 number. So we see in this world that just 1 number is able to make a person deficient.
• This person short of 1 good deed short, he will run to his brother and he will deny, he will run to his mother, she will deny, he will run to his spouse and she will deny, his son and father and everyone will deny to give just 1 good deed. He will be standing their crying on the day of judgement that all these people who professed love for me are of no help today. Then a person will come to him who will have his entire book full of sins and has just 1 good deed, he will offer his good deed to this person saying that I am going to hellfire anyway so why don’t you take my only good deed When this person gets that good deed, the angels will announce on the day of judgement that this person has given a 1 good deed to the previous person, then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will ask, who is this generous person who has given his 1 good deed to my servant, then the sinners name will be taken, then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will say, know that I have sent both of them to Jannah.

• So think of this situation. Its that easy, if you can find the person who needs just 1 good deed to enter jannah, himself can enter jannah, imagine this is our own folly and stupidity. We are not worried about asking forgiveness that Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA is so merciful
• The above were amal to be recited on Jummah, due to the large number of Hadith which are tough to cover in the short span of time, next will be direct hints and learning points from the Hadith.
• Hadith of fasting: A person who fasts and stays away from sins, Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive them.
• On the last night of Ramadhan, a Hadith says that the number of people forgiven in the month of Ramadhan that many will be forgiven on the last night of Ramadhan. And Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will emancipate that number of people from hellfire.
• Others may not know about our sins but we do know our sins very well. We know how desperately we need forgiveness, we know our sins that we did in hidden and how many sunnahs we have broken.
• Every person holds a mirror in their hand, which is ones heart to observe their state. We should then beg Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA for forgiveness.
• On the night of Lailatul Qadr, if a person has the intention of pleasing Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA and worshipping him then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive all their past sins.
• It comes in Hadith that a person who stands at night seeking the pleasure of Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA with emaan will be forgiven for all their past sins
• The women should make sure that their menfolk go to masjid and they themselves should spend the night in worship at home, being wakeful.

• 27th of Ramadhan carries a huge possibility that it would be Lailatul Qadr
• Unfortunately, these days there are so many youngsters on their musala with their cell phones, the women should send their teenagers and youngsters in the masjid so they receive this blessed environement. These are special times and moments bestowed by Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA on us, a rate opportunity that doesnot come every month.
• In a narration, a person who fasts, doesnot lie or backbite, broke their fast by halal income, they prayed isha and Fajr in jamat and also guarded their obligatory acts, that person will have the capacity to leave its sins in a way like a snake sheds its skin. They will exit from their sins ! Just like when you get a wound, a skin covering forms on top and the wound heals at the bottom, a new fresh skin forms, the covering falls off. Allahu Akbar
• We should make dua that Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA forgives us for the sins that we did openly, hidden in a gathering.
• It comes in a Hadith that on the first night of Ramadhan, Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA forgives all the sins of all the muslims on the very first night of Ramadhan and Sayidina Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM told this to Sayidina Umar RA that Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA forgives all the sins of those people who pray facing the qibla, Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM pointed towards the Qibla, one of the Sahaba present made a sound of exclamation and Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM asked if there was any problem for making this sound, the Sahaba says he was thinking of the unbelievers, will they too be forgiven? Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM says no the forgiveness on the first night of Ramadhan is only for believers, its not for those people who are inwardly hypocrites and outwardly believers but those who are sincere believers.
• In another Hadith, Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM mentioned that Lailatul Qadr is like when a labourer finishes his work and asks for wages at the end of the day, just like that we fast the entire month and on the last night we ask our wages for month long work of fasting so Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive all the past sins
• We should try our best to ask forgivesness of our sins when there are so many available oppurtunities present for forgiveness

• And that is why from Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA, an angel calls on behalf of Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA on every night of Ramadhan all the way until the dawn, he says "O you who has rebelled, O you who has gone into disobedience, O you who is now searching for the khair Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA has to offer, rise above this night and try to earn it and those of you who are looking for evil take heed, open your eyes and make repentence from the evil that you are seeking. Is there any person seeking repentence, is there anyone who is making touba so Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will forgive them, is there anyone making dua so Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will accept their duas, is there anyone asking a request from Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA so Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will fulfill there request.
• So if Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA allows this mercy every night then we should too spend our nights in worship and in seeking repentence. We should make istagfaar and make dua to make our live full of emaan and obedience.
• In another Hadith mentiond by Sayidina Umar RA that Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM said that a person who does dhikr of Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA in the month of Ramadhan, he will forgiven for his sins and his request will never go unfulfilled
• Towards the end of Ramadhan comes the eid and first of Shawwal, many muslim believers are very particular of praying Eid Salat, that person should make ghusl and they should walk towards the place for Eid salat, then they will return from Eid prayer in such a way that all their previous sins are forgiven.
• Its not permissible to fast on the day of Eid because we are the guest of the great host Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA. Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA invites us and hosts us and anyone fasting on the day is extremely rude, as Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA says you will eat and I will be happy. You become like my guest. So its forbidden to fast on the day of eid
• But on the next day, 2nd of shawwal, there are 6 days to be fasted, they are sunnah.
• There are 2 ways of doing it
o Start on the 2nd of shawwal until the 7th. Having fasted for 30 days of Ramadhan and 6 of shawal, 36 fasts, Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA multiplies it by 10, 360. It will be as if the person will get reward for fasting the whole year around. The lunar year is 360 days.
o The jurists have said for those for whom its difficult to fast consquetively, they should keep 2 fast for every set of 10 days. 2 in the first 10, 2 in the next and so on.

• But its easier to keep fasting continously. And its easier to fast at the beginning of Shawwal
• There will be many women who have missed the fasting in the month of Ramadhan due ot their menstrual periods. They shouldn’t delay and try to fast as soon as possible in shawwal.
• Some women who have outstanding fasts in the previous years, they should calculate and estimate how many they have missed. They should be on safe side, add more and from time to time, with the intention of Qada, should fast Its easier to fast in winter
• Women normally are habituated to dieting, so they should double benefit with it. Reward of fasting and benefit of dieting. Both of these desires will be fulfilled that their responsibility of fasting will be lifted off their shoulders and they can periodically diet through out the year.
• So now women who are less practicing and skipped fasting not because of their menstruation should also estimate and count their missed fasts just like a person who misses prayers.
• A women in menstruation doesnot have to make up for the prayers as they are forgiven but fasts shouldn’t be missed.
• We should complete them sooner as we may die and will be judged on not completing our faraydh.

• A common misunderstanding is that last Friday is called Juma atul Wida, they think that praying 2 nafl after Juma will fulfil all your previous Qadha prayers. This is baseless and a fraud, there are no 2 rakat that you make in a year that will fulfil your qadha prayer. You have to estimate and count your fasts.
• The sunnah fasts are to fast for 13 – 15 of very lunar month, it comes in Hadith that every one fast that an individual keeps, will be forgiven for 10 sins and will purify you just the same way like you cleanse with water.
• Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM also used to fast on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It comes in Hadith, that such a person fasting on these 3 days and then gives sadaqah on Friday, all their past sins will be forgiven until the person becomes like a newborn baby. Immensely sin free like the day they were born.
• The young women who are unmarried and have lustful thoughts should fast on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday every week, and 13 – 15 of every month to control their desires, it becomes easier to control nafs.
• Hadhrat Umar RA once heard about a widowed sahabiya whose husband had passes, he RA send her message that she should get married, if she is not the age of getting married, then she should fast
• These moments, days and nights of Ramadhan are priceless of us, tonight is the night of 27th, and we hope that Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA will make it Lailatul Qadr for us. Only Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA knows best which night of the odd nights lailatul Qadr takes place. We hope that Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA makes this night our lailatul Qadr
• Once a person asked a shaykh, when is lailatul Qadr, the shaykh replied "Your Lailatul Qadr is what ever night Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA decides to forgive you"
• So tonight, if we have the intention of exploring Lailatul Qadr as one of the odd nights f the last 10 days, and we should be sincere in worship and ibadah
• Sayidinat Ayesha RA asked if I am to find Lailatul Qadr what should I recite, then Hadhrat Muhammad SALLAHU ALAHI WASALAM said recite the following: " Allahuma Inaka Afoowan Tuhibul Afawa afa Ani" that O Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA you are that being who pardon and forgive, you love to pardon and forgive, so pardon and forgive me.

• Women should make a lot of dhikr and dua. When a persons heart wakes up that they need forgiveness from Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA then Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA sends his mercy, we make dua that Allah SUBHANA WA TA'ALA forgives us, pardons us for our sins.
Muraqaba –
Hadhrat recites a heart melting nasheed -
Dua –
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