Actual Fitna of Dajjal?
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09-05-2011, 02:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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There are so many threads dedicated to Dajjal.. Please search!
Salam alaikum, Eid Mubarak
Jazak Allahu Khair – there are many and the topic is rising in popularity (Arabic readers can look at the alfetn forums and see the sheer number of threads there as well) - there is a reason why this topic is rising in popularity and indeed obsession..
Regarding weak narrations. With all due Weak narrations are not dismissed in our usul, particularly in matters concerning Fitan wa Malahim Imam Ibn Hanbals' methodology was thus and I seriously doubt anyone here present is of his status. The Muslims take from Weak hadiths and take from strong hadiths and reject the forged, that which is weak treated with care but it is close to madness to disregard the weak, or that which is good but not Sahih and ahad, for each has some probative value in the epistemology of the Sharia.
It is dangerous to disregard the weak..
In matters of Fadail or targhib, of Maghazi and Fitan the rules for using weak narrations is stretched considerably. Of course people are free to do as they like, and they shall... disputing on such matters in this age creates more fitnah people are free to talk to their mashaykh on this. I just think it is unwise and almost mad to disregard weak hadiths in these matters, espescially since many of the weak overlap with the Sahih.
The dajjal is a man.
The dajjal is alive.
We are in his fitnah now.
It was almost universally attested by the best of the Sahaba (including Umar, Ibn Umar, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Hafsa, and several others in narrations that range from Sahih to Weak but the sheer number all confirm each other) that Ibn Sayyad and the man in the Island hadith of Tamim al-Dari are the same man and are the dajjal, anyone who wants to argue with this can argue with Umar and Ali Ibn Abi Talib on yawm al-Qiyama for all I care.
Ali Ibn Abi Talib explicitly said the one who believed Ibn Sayyad was the dajjal is felicitous, saeed, the one who disbelieves this is not felicitous, shaqi - take from this whatever you want to but fear Allah in these matters.
He is a man.
He is alive.
No superstition, every fitnah in the world was the precursor to his by the attestation of our Nabi (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) so in a sense you can see yourself as being in his fitnah right now, since all fitan will be unified in his and lead up to his.
You can choose to believe this and use the knowledge usefully in your life or you can chase ajeeb tales of flying carpets and fantastic islands, it is a choice I have made mine, you must make yours and Allah alone gives success.
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