is there any difference between tawassul and istigatha
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09-02-2011, 02:02 AM
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Oct 2005
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There are lots of different things that are commonly termed tawassul.
1. the mentioning of your deeds, and through mentioning Allahs names and attributes- this tawassul is accepted by all.
2. through the status of the Prophet
and the Auliya- this tawassul is differed upon. Some scholars say its permissable, others say its not. The differences here are not major differences, and both views can be respected.
3. Where you request another person to make dua to Allah for you. This is also accepted by all.
4. Where one requests a deceased person to make dua for you, this is bid'ah but not shirk.
5. Where an individual directly asks the deceased for help (istighatha, isti'ana), this is shirk that needs to be condemned.
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