Suggestions to improve teaching skills of ulamah
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09-03-2011, 11:40 PM
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Oct 2005
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The OP works on the same line of thinking that Ulama are good for nothing!
far from it.
Ulema are bad teachers and should not teach kids......
The words serve a purpose and specific to kids there is a reason for being specific to kids and not adults or their spouses or other members of the community, etc or even other aspects of their lives.
I have been in the company of great personalities, even masters of tariqah, but they are not good teachers of young children. Partially since they are not experienced in all of their learning and discipline to deal with children. In many cases they have had a pleasant experiences with most of their own students as mureeds who follow the advise that is given to them and the relationship is amicable.
Give me the best of the breed and I will put them in a particular makhtoobs in St**** on t*** with some children 6 - 11 yrs old. I give them a month tops to survive it.
But in other places I hear children staying words like ' I hate ustaaad...' and when you listen to the reasons they are very valid. Most of them are since they just can not bond with the kids and to not have the skillset to work with them.
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