JazakAllah for the lenghty post and your input into this matter is muich appreciated. I do not believe that I need to rewrite the title since I am well versed in what is the definition of good teaching methods and have cited a few examples of Good teachers who were ulema. My intent is not malicious and I have utmost regards for the scholars of the deen and work closely with them however the gravity of this situtation is such that the good exceptional few does not deter from the majority that are ill prepared for teaching. Further your examples are great for actual going on in the settings of a maktub/madressa life and are real and very valid point. However it still needs correlation with the point I am making 'ulema and their lack of teaching skills to make them good teachers' this has not relation to the parenting. Is it possible and I say this with the utmost respect that you have not aquired or implemented the best teaching methods?