My Skeih Knows Everything about my Past Life :o
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09-02-2011, 11:41 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
United Kingdom
Senior Member
Why is it perfectly normal?
How do we know its kashf and he's not using jinns?
Im glad that your asking more questions regarding it as my sheikh says people or youngsters as ourselves want proof or evidence and wont believe until they see for them selves. if you know more about ilm-e-laduni goto my website.
And if have time read the biography of my sheikh and you will understand better. we are all here on these forums to ask questions and gain asnwers and expand our islamic knowledge.
To test if he is kamal shiekh or not there is sumthing you can recite but i cant remmember what it was once i do i post it on here. You have to recite it 15 times and once you are in there presence blow or pretend to yawn and when you do if he is true sheikh will smile back if not he will feel really uncomfortable and leave the room asap. ive tested we ppl few yrs back when i was taught from my sheikh in pakistan lol as you got alot of fraudsters and jaadogar. inshallah my memory serves me right post on here asap.
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