Changing madhab...possibly
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07-06-2011, 08:38 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I agree with brother adamson. It is pointless to discuss which madhhab to choose when the illness is something else entirely. To call a sunnah "barbaric" and then to say not to change the topic reveals a lot more than should be revealed. There is consensus that mocking sunnah is an expression of kufr. Same line of reasoning is applicable to those that consider hijab to be repressive to women, sunnah beards to be ugly, sunnah clothing to be horrible, etc.
This sunnah is not even something exclusive to our shari'ah. It has been the sunnah of the prophets, ever since Ibraaheem
. He performed circumcision when he was commanded by Allah
to do so - and he was 80 years old.
Circumcision is a sunnah in the Maliki madhhab as well. If a Hanafi mocks something that may not be obligatory in his madhhab but is a sunnah, he is also expressing his kufr. Same applies to all the other madhahib.
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