Most Saudi recitors have trimmed beards! Or do their beards stop growing?
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08-29-2011, 05:59 AM
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Oct 2005
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al-Salaamu Man Ittaba'a al-Huda
Beard is grown in following the Sunnah of all the Ambiyaa ('Alayhi al-Salaam), an most importantly it is a command of our Messenger
One can be both hygienic and unhygienic if they have a beard, no doubt. But part of our faith is to be hygienic.
It is reported in
Sahih Muslim
that Rasulullah
الطهور شطر الايمان
Cleanliness is a part of Imaan (Faith)
Muslims who practice their Religion whilst having a Beard pray five times a days which they do Wudhu (Ablution), and part of Wudhu is to wash the face and part of our face is our Beard, and hence the beard is thoroughly washed.
And this is five times a day, despite Sunnah / Wajib Ghusl (Bathing).
So yes, a person can be totally hygienic whilst having a beard.
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