Kissing the Quran and setting it on the ground.
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09-01-2011, 01:02 AM
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Re: Kissing the Quran and setting it on the ground.
Originally Posted by rahl404
@alfatiha: That still does not give me direct hadith evidence as all of the people and works you cited were complied/born hundreds of years after the hijrah. I'm sure these people didn't make this up which is why i'm asking where the primary source of the hadith is? Why cite the scholar when you can cite what the scholar is citing? Please give me the book and number of the hadith. Thank you.
You asked for the reference from Sahabah. Ikrimah is a Sahabi, Umar, Uthman are Sahabi. What else?
During the Prophet's time, the Quran was not bound into book. Keep that in mind.
Originally Posted by rahl404
Also, you said "You just don't put al-Quran on the ground." please give me evidence.
You give evidence why it is not. Sorry, my first post didn't go through, I know that Ikrimah was a sahabi, as well as Umar and Uthman. However the other people and works you cited were not collectors of hadith, they were commentators on hadith. Give me the hadith please. As they are Muslims and said that this happened i am required to believe it until I receive proof otherwise. I am also allowed to demand that this proof be brought forward.
Also, it is not upon me to provide you with the proof that it is allowed. It is upon you to provide me with the proof that it is not allowed. We have an easy religion, if it wasn't forbidden then you cannot say that it is.
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