Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Salaam alaikum Since the issue of ta'addud seems to be springing up on this site, I thought I would ask for nasiha and assistance. I have discussed with my wife that in a few years, I should marry another wife. We have been married for about 5 years, and al hamdulillah everything is going quite well with usual ups and downs. But we have seriously discussed this we both think it is a good thing, for a variety of reasons. One is that we keep hearing stories about poor sisters who get played around with and treated badly by husbands, and that after they become divorced there is a stigma attached to this. The main reason for me to get a second wife is not for sexual fulfillment, or something that I am lacking in my present marriage (I am very blessed with my wife), but my reasons for wanting to have a second wife are th following: - in our area, there are no muslims at all. Just me, my wife, and my child (and any other children on the way. We think that by having more wives, more children will be brought up as muslims and this area will become Islamic (since where I live there are not many people PERIOD). - I am afraid that as my wife and I get older, one of us will eventually die, and the other will be left alone. One thing I seen in Africa where men had multiple wives, there were no lonely old people, as they had atleast one other person their own age that was a close friend. I see that to be more important in this type of area. Anyway, there are other reasons too that can be discussed, but basically I am looking for any advice on this, and also what to do physically in actually seeking a second wife? There is no masjid here and no local community, so any help at all from brothers or sisters would be much appreciated. Jazakumullah khair, Ramadan mubarak.