The male burqa
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08-23-2011, 08:51 PM
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Oct 2005
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I dont know who it is. However, from a legal perspective (whether one holds the opinion that covering the face is obligatory, or considers it "liked" but not obligatory), its because Allah swt said so. And our attutude is "we hear, and we obey" He is just trying to the best of his ability to explain why to the best of his ability. This reasoning however, is more like pondering and observing, and not attached to the ruling.
In fundementals of fiqh (Usool Al Fiqh), theres two different types of reasons. Theres reasons that are attached to the ruling (called illah), and reasons that are more like explanations but not attached to the ruling. If the reason associated with a ruling is gone, then the ruling may change. For instance, if swimming would cause someone a heart attack due to health problems, then it becomes haram. If he finds a cure, then it becomes halal. Also, the illah behind making drinking "khamr" haram is because it makes you drunk. Therefore, if the same illah (reason) is attached to wine or any other drink, then it is haram also.
However, other reasons we sometimes mention arent associated with the ruling. For example, the Prophet peace be upon him forbade us from eating any carnivorous animal which has canine teeth. Many give reasons for this, stating is not good for your health and can cause this or that. However, if it were 100% healthy, with no filth or disease associated with it, would it become halal? No. Because these are not reasons associated with the ruling. In such cases the wording is usually "the wisdom behind this ruling is such and such".
Also theres what is called "illah ta'bodiyyah" which means "reason of worship" (or something close lol). This is clear especially in details of forms of worship. Why is this prayer done this way, or why do you have to wash before praying if you eat camel meat (to those who hold this opinion), then it is said the illah is ta'boddiyah (reason of worship, ie "Allah swt ordered so") Some are against considering the last two different, saying everything has a reason behind it afterall.
As a side note.. when trying to understand things and ponder/think one must not try to understand the effect of any given ruling on individuals only, but also on the society as a whole. Sometimes a more wholistic view makes things clearer.
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