Support SMJ, by realising a Mosque in Holland! The best sadaqa is in this month!
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08-24-2011, 08:04 AM
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Oct 2005
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Support SMJ, by realising a Mosque in Holland! The best sadaqa is in this month!
Assalaamoe 'alaykoem warahmatoelahi wabarakatoeh my dear brothers and sisters,
First: im sorry, my english is not very good but ill do my best and hope you will support us.
Im contact you all from Holland, because we need your help!
Here in Holland, in the city Utrecht, we have a great Islamic Markez which is busy to realising a mosque. They have to leave the building where they are in now, because the contract is over. So now they want to buy a big building to realising a mosque, the house of Allaah sub7anahu wa ta'ala.
They need 1.000.000 euro in 129 days to realise the mosque. Now we still need 830.000 euro inshaaČ Allaah but there are only 129 days left! In this mosque they will oa organise dawrat with 3uluma from allover the world, a place to teach qor'aan and sunnah to your children.
Now they are collecting money, theyre everyday LIVE in the last 10 nights of Ramadhaan, please watch with us:
and donate, even if its 1 cent, everything helps and only Allaah knows our intentions.
They are also looking for people who can borrow them money, because they are afraid that they are not gonna make it within 129 days.
Please help us!
For any questions contact/email:
And the international phone number to call the brothers: 00316-16299537
Bank nr: 3234066 t.n.v. Stichting MoslimJongeren
City: Utrecht
IBAN: NL61ingB0003234066
BarakaAllaahoe feekoem wassalaamoe 3alaykoem,
Ukht Aicha
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