Women and Career: What to consider when making a choice
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08-24-2011, 02:48 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Go seek the competencies of a Scholars on varies rulings and then the guidance of a Sheikh throughout the lifetime of your working life including University, work, etc.
The problem as your have been made aware is not just University or working but the culture they surrounds regards to being anti - sunni. I use the word Sunni specifically because it provides more clarity on the culture you are faced with.
The example you give about long hours of work is not against Islam however it is not the Sunnah, does this make sense?
Many non-muslim if they apply methods and lessons from the Sunni would have a more fulfilling life. So it is the culture that is infectious and suffocating.
It is designed to squeeze the life out of you and then you have to answer to Allah for acts and crimes committed against his will.
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