How To Spend The Night Of Shaabeh Baraat
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07-18-2011, 01:52 AM
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Oct 2005
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Brother I DID NOT I REPEAT; DID NOT have a problem with those who respectfully disagree, if you dont want to practice this night because you want to opt for what other Scholars say then that is fine, but dont be saying things that are beyond your own comprehension or statements that are attacking the Salaf.
I didn't reply because of the authenticity dispute, rather the accusations you made that the SALAF who held this night to be special are weak references, you said:
the 'salaf' in question are known to have held this night special by weak references. To which i replied from Ibn Taymiyyah's Book al-Majmu and Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali's book Lataai'f al-Ma'aarif - go look above.
Then you went on to say:
so the 'salaf' do a lot of things according to weak references. and:
you know full well what weak narrations are and the actions the salaf are doing in them may not be correct. You should ponder over what you have said.
What you have pasted from Colonel Sahib is what he posted in the other thread regarding Laylathul-Bara'ah. it has nothing to with this discussion because like i said, if you want to respectfully disagree then fine, but know your limits in disagrements - infact take an example from Colonel Sahib's Adabi disagreement.
my point was that when in doubt i take the safe option and steer clear away from any activity/action that has a hint of bid'ah in it. Bid'ah? it is a loosely used word for this topic, when there are narrations regarding something - be it weak - acting upon that narration doesn't mean your introducing something (Bid'ah)- Yes you can say one is acting upon weak ahadith. You should know and understand terminologies properly and how they should be used.
Secondly; doubt here is not regarding Haram and Halal, its a false argument. it is regarding Fadha'il, infact the safer option here would be to act on the Fadha'il for Ihtiyaat as you dont want to miss out on any special Barakah IF there is. (though you dont have to)
you believe the salaf treated 15th shabaan as special. i have reservations. however that does not mean i disrespect the salaf. I believe? i quoted YOU statements from the Salaf regarding this night, and i quoted authors where they attributed this view to other Scholars from the Salaf. Atleast have the decency to agree that some Scholars from the salaf did practice this night - especially when i bought proof.
This is a forum, and you will be quoted, furthermore it is not against forum rules (atleast as far as i am aware).
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