....Maulana tariq Jamil sahab pointed something about this verse in a bayan...he said it is "grieve not" not "fear not", which means that it was the thought of Huzoor first that made Syedna Abu Bakr worried, if he was concerned about himself more than it would have been "fear not".......Allah knows best...
I will just post one reply. I m not in for a discussion. Allah says in the Quran: "He being the second of the two, When they were in the cave and when Muhammad said to his companion 'Grieve not, surely God is with us,' then God came to their help, and protected them with an army which they saw not". {9:40} Who was the companion of Rasoolullah in the Cave? AbuBakr . Would Allah protected a Munafiq(hypocrite) with an army of angels? I think not. Period.