Confused: "Zakat is only payable on assets which have been held for one lunar year"
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08-21-2011, 02:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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Confused: "Zakat is only payable on assets which have been held for one lunar year"
"Zakat is only payable on assets which have been held for one lunar year"
Can someone explain that to me. I'm reading conflicting things which has left me quite confused. These include:
"If you owned the zakatable amount at the beginning and end of the zakat period (hawl), then you have to pay zakat on the entire amount you possess at the end of the zakat period, whether or not you actually possessed the whole amount for the whole period."
"Zakat is obligatory on wealth, which remains in a person’s possession for a lunar year regardless of why they were held onto"
...also, whatever the answer, does it apply to both Cash and Gold?
According to Ask Imam:
"According to Shariah, your wife will pay Zakaat on the jewellery if one entire lunar year has passed while the jewellery was in her possession. Therefore, from the day you had given her the jewellery you will calculate one lunar year and offer the Zakaat thereafter."
So it means that Gold has to in someone possession for a whole year? Would this be paid after that year, or at the next Zakah cycle?
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